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Lam’s Plantain Strips (Sweet/Maduro) /banana chips snacks, freshly cooked banana chips every week, Lam’s Foods Incorporated are founded in Guyana, South America.

Since 1960 in an effort to participate in a wider market, Lam has expanded its product line by adding exotic snacks like banana chips.

For more than fifty years, our brand has been ensuring quality and satisfaction. Lam’s plantain chips Enjoy delicious healthy banana crisps, eat and enjoy them, plantain organic Strips ,present them to your friends and children, enjoy them and eat them, the delicious crunch of banana slices baked with care to not cause weight gain.

Eat them, you will feel full and enjoy, Premium Quality Plantain Flakes, Free from Trans Fat, Free from Cholesterol, Cooked to Perfection Ingredients:

Plantain, Soybean Oil. a healthy source of your daily food for Vitamin A and C, the oil is fresh the right way, the banana plants /plantain yellow are carefully selected, the thickness is perfect, and they are cut lengthwise, but it makes eating more enjoyable, These requests in terms of size are better than other fried packaged bananas, enjoyed eating them as they taste differently .

Enjoy the distinctive taste of banana slices that are prepared fresh on a weekly basis to ensure high quality and wonderful and distinctive taste, a light easy-to-carry bag that you can take with you everywhere and enjoy it alone or with meals; it alone is nutritious and saturated with a wonderful and different taste. (60g/2.1 oz)